jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017


Resultado de imagen para homework

Homework - # 10:  It will be picked up on Tuesday, February 21.


Page 35 : Activities 3 - 4
Page 36: Activities 1 - 2

Please Color the Pictures of the Activities !


Ms. Gema

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017


Resultado de imagen para homework

Homework - # 9:  It will be picked up on Tuesday, February 7.


Page 32 : Activity 1
Page 33: Activities 1 - 2 - 3

Please Color the Pictures of the Activities !


Ms. Gema

martes, 31 de enero de 2017


Good afternoon Parents and Students,

Resultado de imagen para english test clipart

Audit # 1 Indicators

1. Grammar Structure

  • Completes texts using Simple Present verbs
  • Unscrambles and writes sentences using Auxiliary Verb “Can”.
2. Spelling:  

  • Writes spelling words from the vocabulary list worked in class. (Spelling List # 3)
  • Decodes the Sentences: Animals’ Vocabulary.

3. Reading:  
  • Reads and answers questions according to passage.

4. Writing:

  • Writes a paragraph of three (3) lines taking into account the conventions of the written language such as spelling, capitalization and punctuation as well as text structure, genre and coherence.
Here are the dates of the Audit # 1:

3 "A" Tuesday, February 7
3 "B" Monday, February 6
3 "C" Monday, February 6
3 "D" Tuesday, February 7

If you have any doubts please feel free to talk to me.

Ms. Gema


Resultado de imagen para read and tell

The Art of Storytelling
“Read & Tell”
“Read & Tell” is an activity that will allow you to read a short story, and then prepare to retell your story to the rest of the class. Reading is the key to building knowledge, and building your first grader’s knowledge is the key to raising a strong reader. Reading and storytelling also helps promote language, literacy and brain development. Therefore, this activity holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight.
By means, students will be asked to read an article or short story at home and orally tell classmates and teacher what they read about. Make it interesting for others as well as enjoyable for yourself.
Key elements to a successful Storytelling:
  • Read and enjoy your story.
  • Once read, practice and share with Mom & Dad telling them what you read and understood of the story.
  • Make your story exciting and fun.
  • Take into account for your telling Oral Presentation: Voice, Body, Face, Imagination, Enthusiasm/Spirit (Cooperation with the audience!)
  • Enjoy yourself.
  • Use any visual aids you think would help – Cardboard, photographs, or anything that will help to make your story interesting.
  • Go to your teacher when you have a question.
  • Check theses webpages to find interesting articles: https://www.dogonews.com/grade_tag/grades-3  / http://magazines.scholastic.com/
Due date Storytelling:
Friday, February 17 -  3 “A”
Friday, February 17 -  3 “B”
Friday, February 17 -  3 “C”
Friday, February 17 -  3 “D”

Dad & Mom we will much appreciate your help and support!
Thank-you very much,

Ms. Gema

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017


Resultado de imagen para homework english

Homework - # 8:  It will be picked up on Tuesday, January 31.


Page 29 : Activities 2 & 3

Please Color the Pictures of the Activities !


Ms. Gema

lunes, 23 de enero de 2017


Homework - # 7:  It will be picked up on Wednesday, January 25.


Page 25: Activities 3 & 4
Page 26: Activities 1 & 2

Please Color the Pictures of the Activities !


Ms. Gema

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017

Spelling LIst # 3

Resultado de imagen para spelling

Spelling List # 3

  1. camel                              11. talk                                          21. group
  2. can                                  12. son                                          22. size
  3. distance                          13. whale                                      23. another
  4. eagle                               14. travel                                      24. each
  5. little                                15. gorilla                                     25. many
  6. koala                               16. shark
  7. nature                              17. daughter
  8. panda                              18. kilometers
  9. drive                               19. uncle
  10. fly                                   20. meters

Spelling # 3 Audit 

Group # 1:                                       Group # 2:

3 "A"  Wednesday, January 25                     3 "A" Wednesday, February 1
3 "B"   Tuesday,     January 24                     3 "B"  Tuesday,     January 31
3 "C"   Tuesday,     January 24                     3 "C"  Tuesday,     January 31
3 "D"    Monday,    January 23                     3 "D" Monday,      January 30

Please Review & Study!

Ms. Gema