martes, 31 de enero de 2017


Resultado de imagen para read and tell

The Art of Storytelling
“Read & Tell”
“Read & Tell” is an activity that will allow you to read a short story, and then prepare to retell your story to the rest of the class. Reading is the key to building knowledge, and building your first grader’s knowledge is the key to raising a strong reader. Reading and storytelling also helps promote language, literacy and brain development. Therefore, this activity holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight.
By means, students will be asked to read an article or short story at home and orally tell classmates and teacher what they read about. Make it interesting for others as well as enjoyable for yourself.
Key elements to a successful Storytelling:
  • Read and enjoy your story.
  • Once read, practice and share with Mom & Dad telling them what you read and understood of the story.
  • Make your story exciting and fun.
  • Take into account for your telling Oral Presentation: Voice, Body, Face, Imagination, Enthusiasm/Spirit (Cooperation with the audience!)
  • Enjoy yourself.
  • Use any visual aids you think would help – Cardboard, photographs, or anything that will help to make your story interesting.
  • Go to your teacher when you have a question.
  • Check theses webpages to find interesting articles:  /
Due date Storytelling:
Friday, February 17 -  3 “A”
Friday, February 17 -  3 “B”
Friday, February 17 -  3 “C”
Friday, February 17 -  3 “D”

Dad & Mom we will much appreciate your help and support!
Thank-you very much,

Ms. Gema

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